Do Sports Supplements really work?
We all love taking group tennis lessons especially with friends and family. It’s a great way to stay fit with a healthy dose of competition. As we get older, stamina becomes a contributing factor. Equally important to note is that not all supplements are designed the same for men and women. Even more confusing is the subject around multi-vitamin supplements.
To define these questions, consider that for most recreational players the sport of Tennis is an activity that consists of short bursts of energy between 4-10 seconds in duration, with 10-20 seconds recovery times in between. Limited data exists detailing the dietary intakes and requirements for protein verses carbohydrates in racket sports. Although research has shown that a lower carbohydrate intake can limit high-intensity exercise. Therefore, its safe to say that glycogen depletion can likely fatigue a player during their tennis lesson or high-performance training.
Recent studies have shown that creatine can improve an athlete’s pre-workout performance. L-carnitine has been proven to expedite muscle recovery in post workout exercise. Nutritionists suggest there is a direct correlation between how a body transitions from pre-workout to post-workout exercise using these amino acid supplements.
Both can be effective for either pre-workout or post-workouts when they are high quality with no artificial flavoring. Alternatively, packing fruit, nuts, and low sugar snack bars can help to sustain energy throughout a tennis lesson or match. A final note to remember is as with any form of intense exercise is to stay hydrated with plenty of water. Stay away from soft drinks or other sugar related beverages as this can spike insulin levels and can cause dizziness, fatigue, or fainting in some cases.